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22. Craft Foam Mousepad
Discover how you can make customized mousepads to suit different personalities and decorating styles. Make one for yourself and then make several for gifts.
23. Craft Kit
Create your own handy craft kit that you can carry around anywhere and have your supplies ready to go at a moments notice!
24. Craft Stick Vase or Pencil Holder
You can make these decorative tabletop or desk containers using either tin cans or bathroom tissue rolls.
25. Crocheted Greeting Card Bowl
Edith shares how she turned a handful of greeting cards into a beautiful bowl or basket.
26. Cupcake Earrings Craft
Elizabeth shared this fun project made using shrink plastic. I think these are adorable!
27. Daddy’s Caddy
Find out how you can make this great tool caddy out of a coffee can. This would be a perfect gift for dad or any special guy.
28. Dangling Bead Pencil
Follow these simple directions and decorate a pencil using ribbon and beads. Make them in your favorite colors, your school colors, and many other designs!
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29. Decoupage Paperweight
Find out how easy it is to transform an ordinary rock into a treasured paperweight. This colorful paperweight is not only easy to make, it also would make a great gift.