Special Gifts

I have an opportunity now to provide gifts for someone I have never met. I have been talking with him for about two months now, we met through Facebook and have had a wonderful time getting to know each other.

His business has taken him to Kalua Lumpur, Malaysia to work on the oil rig to extract gases from the oil drilling. It sounds interesting, but more complicated than I have the knowledge to process.

So he’s coming to visit for Christmas and I have decided to put together a few simple gifts for him. He will need to be included in our Christmas.

But how can I figure out what to get him when we’ve never met? I’ve heard him mention that he enjoys reading, he walks when he has time, he enjoys working out and has a great sense of humor.

But I’m still clueless.

So I started think, any man would enjoy a nice warm sweater since we’re supposed to have some rain and Kalua Lumpur is having weather in the 70s. Okay, that’s one present. But what else?

I wrote a book http://makingalistbook.com years ago. It’s  about being single and it has a check list on what you should look for in a mate. It includes all the things that are a priority in a relationship, like being spiritual, having a sense of humor or liking vanilla ice cream!

It also includes how you decide the things that are absolute “no way, deal breaker” habits such as doing drugs, being an alcoholic, or having no friends whatsoever! Those are real danger signs!

I think he’ll find that humorous!

Okay, that’s a good start.

Hopefully I find a couple of other things

Oh yea, how about the Box of Nothing!

I created it more than 20 years ago. It’s the perfect gift for those who have everything and includes a 20 page book of Nothing with sayings like “Nothing beats a Royal Flush!”, There’s Nothing like a hug!”, “Nothing cures baldness!” and my favorite, “Finally, here’s something for Nothing!”

That will work!